- 7/9/2024 Update: Sauer Health Care will host a community blood drive with the American Red Cross on Monday, July 15th from 10am-4pm. Please access the building through the parking lot entrance.
Keeping Residents Safe – Use of Enhanced Barrier Precautions
Dear Residents, Families, Friends, and Volunteers:
You may have noticed new signs on some doors that say “Enhanced Barrier Precautions” and staff wearing gowns and gloves more often. We’re doing this based on new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to protect our residents and staff from germs that can cause serious infections and are hard to treat. You may have heard these germs called multidrug-resistant organisms or MDROs in the news.
Studies have shown that more than 50% of nursing home residents have these germs on or in their body, especially in places where the skin is broken, such as wounds or insertion sites of medical devices like feeding tubes. Most of the time people never know they are carrying these germs but under certain conditions they can enter the body and cause serious infections.
Fortunately, there are many things we can do to keep these germs from spreading, but we need your help!
Two important practices are:
1. Cleaning our hands. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can kill these germs and keep us from spreading them with our hands. This is why we remind you and your visitors to frequently clean your hands.
2. Using gowns and gloves. Since we can’t wash our clothes between caring for residents, gowns and gloves help keep these germs from getting on our clothes and spreading to others when we are having close contact with residents. This is why you might see us wearing a gown and gloves when we are performing transfers or other activities involving a lot of contact with a resident. Just because we are wearing a gown and gloves doesn’t mean that a resident is carrying one of these germs. We also wear them to protect residents who might be more vulnerable to developing a serious infection if exposed to these germs. We will also wear them if we expect a care activity to be messy, like if we are changing a dressing on a wound.
To support these practices, you will see more alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers, carts to hold clean gowns and gloves, and trash cans so we can change gowns and gloves between residents. You will also see more signs to help remind staff when they should be wearing gowns and gloves.
We are always happy to answer any questions you might have about actions we are taking to protect our residents and staff and appreciate your support!
Please contact us with additional questions at: 507-454-5540
Jessi Muras, Administrator
Dear Sauer Health Care Staff, Residents, Families and Winona Community,
The mission of Sauer Health Care is to provide for physical, social and spiritual needs of our residents. We provide quality care to enhance the dignity and individuality of each person in a home-like environment.
Our Mission Statement has been at the forefront every day. We do amazing work and Sauer is a leader in our field. Our passion for serving seniors in what many call home, is our number one priority. Through many, many good years and through every uncharted challenge, Sauer Health Care’s future has remained strong!
I believe, the core strength of Sauer has always been the compassion, dedication and genuine connection our phenomenal staff provides to our residents and families. Some of the faces in our home have remained the same for decades, while every year we also welcome new staff, just beginning their careers as caregivers. I have had the great honor and opportunity, through our staff, residents and families, to learn and live our mission statement during my time at Sauer Health Care.
In 2022, I made the difficult decision to work with the Sauer Health Care Board of Directors on succession planning ending in my eventual resignation as Administrator of Sauer Health Care.
I couldn’t be more confident in the preparation over the last 12 months to transition the day to day leadership of Sauer to Jessi Muras. Jessi came to Sauer in October 2021 as our Quality Nurse with over 15 years’ experience in long term care. She is a Winona gal, who completed her Bachelors in Health Administration in July 2023 and will be attaining her license in August. I anticipate a seamless transfer of duties when I am done on Friday, August 18.
It has been my privilege here at Sauer Health Care to initially serve as the Social Worker beginning in March 2009 and then as the Administrator beginning in April 2012. As always, I welcome any questions about this transition or feel free to stop in and say “hello/goodbye” to Jessi and me. Sauer Health Care will continue to be a trusted community organization who is humbled by the support we receive from our community. Thank you for choosing Sauer Health Care. #SauerStrong.
Warm Regards,
Sara Blair, Administrator
May 17, 2023
In January, Biden announced he will end the PHE on May 11th. This announcement was not a surprise given the shift towards our new “normal” the pandemic has created for everyone. The declaration of a Public Health Emergency back in March 2020 provided flexibility to many of the rules and policies that nursing homes are required to follow. Sauer Health Care did not take advantage of many of those waivers so transition out of the PHE does not affect much our daily routine in a negative way. We are in the process of our mask removal plan. Many facilities have “shed” the masks as they are no longer required, Sauer Health Care is working towards this, however are taking extra precautions to ensure our residents are safe. Our residents were able to remove their masks 2 week ago if they so wanted to. We are thrilled to be able to see their smiles again. Over the next couple weeks, staff and visitors will be able to remove masks while at Sauer Health Care. For visitors, this guidance, will be posted at our entrances. Please be patient with us as we navigate this big change! All who are entering Sauer will need to wear masks if they have had a high risk exposure (exposed to someone with COVID-19 for more than 15 mins). Anyone who has tested positive with COVID-19 or has symptoms similar to COVID-19 will not be welcome and will be asked to leave. CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) continues to direct us that anyone who is unable to adhere to the core principles of infection prevention (see below) should not be permitted to visit or should be asked to leave. Please know that we will continue to encourage people to wear masks if desire to do so.
Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control
- Cleaning and disinfecting– Cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces in the facility often, and designated visitation areas after each visit
- Hand Hygiene -Rub in, Rub Out
- Instructional signage throughout facility– Instructional signage throughout the facility and proper visitor education on COVID-19 signs and symptoms, infection control recommendations, other applicable facility practices (e.g., when to use source control, hand hygiene)
- Masks– Face covering or mask (covering mouth and nose) in accordance with CDC guidance.
- Effective co-horting of residents (e.g., separate areas dedicated COVID-19 care)
- Screening for all who enter our building-Stay home when sick
- Appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Testing for staff and residents based on guidance– Resident and staff testing conducted following nationally accepted standards such as CDC recommendations.
- Visual alerts at entrances that provide guidance about recommended actions for visitors who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms for COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone with COVID-19. Visitors with confirmed COVID-19 infection or compatible symptoms should defer non-urgent in-person visitation until they meet CDC criteria for healthcare settings to end isolation. For visitors who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection, it is safest to defer non-urgent in-person visitation until 10 days after their close contact if they meet criteria described in CDC health care guidance.
October 14, 2022
Exciting day here at Sauer, after having to wearing eye protection for the last 2 1/2 years, we received guidance we no longer have to wear it unless caring for someone with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19. While visiting, if you would feel safer wearing eye protection, please let a staff person know and we will get you eye protection. Additionally, we will no longer require visitors to sign in when they arrive, but the expectation remains that no one is entering our building if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 10 days and/or have symptoms of COVID-19. For the safety of our staff and residents, we ask that you please respect this request. Thank you for your cooperation!
May 10, 2022
On April 18, 2022, we unlocked the main entrance during the day time to allow visitors easier access to see their loved ones. Visitors still need to self screen, including verify they have read the posted information and they are entering with no symptoms, recent exposures or positive COVID tests. If you have questions about this process, do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your cooperation!
December 23rd 2021
With the holiday season upon us and COVID-19 showing no signs of giving up, I must remind you that following the Core Principles of Infection Prevention are a must. We are thrilled to have families and friends back in our building visiting, but the increase visitors, means increase risk of the virus coming into our building. We are currently testing all staff, regardless of vaccination status 2x week and unfortunately this is resulting in many positive cases. As of today, we have had 5 positive staff in December and 6 in November. All but 2 of these 11 cases are vaccinated individuals. Please remember these steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and denial of entry of those with signs or symptoms. Individuals who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19 or currently meet the criteria for quarantine, should not enter the facility.
- Hand hygiene (use of alcohol-based hand rub is preferred)
- Face cover or mask (covering mouth and nose)
- Social distancing of at least 6 feet between persons when able.
- Cleaning and disinfecting high frequency touch surfaces in the facility often
- Appropriate use of PPE
- Resident and staff testing conducted as required
- Instructional signage around the facility
- Effective co-horting of residents who may be positive.
[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.sauerhealthcare.org/wp-content/uploads/Happy-Holidays.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]
[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.sauerhealthcare.org/wp-content/uploads/Visitors-1.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]
COVID-19 Update – Novemeber 11th 2021
Effective immediately we will be in outbreak testing for all SHC staff and residents. We have identified 1 positive staff members who tested positive today based on a positive exposure she had in the community. This staff member has worked in the facility in the last 2 days.
Indoor visitation, excluding compassionate care visits, will be suspended for 14 days. We will continue with communal dining and group activities keeping in mind social distancing and good hand hygiene. Residents do not have to quarantine. Residents may have outdoor visits as long as everyone wears masks and infection control practices are adhered to. Please call ahead so we can accommodate a time that works best for you. We plan to test all residents and staff tomorrow (Friday), next week Tuesday and Friday, and so on at least through Friday, November 26th.
Thank you
Celebrating the Holidays
As the holidays are coming upon us, I know many would like to be able to spend quality time with their loved ones. Unfortunately COVID-19 continues to have other plans for us. Even though the holidays are upon us, the COVID restrictions are unchanged. Winona County’s transmission rate remains “HIGH” and weekly case counts continue to be in the double digits. We encourage families to come to Sauer Health Care to visit their loved ones, but unfortunately masks and eye protection will continue to be required. We will continue to screen all visitors and ask that hand hygiene be performed before and after visits. We will offer residents the option of hosting their family in our Chapel, Community Room or Center Conference Room, but ask that they reserve space ahead of time, and encourage these visits to last only 1 hour so others might enjoy family time. We still can only allow 2 visitors in a resident room to ensure social distancing. Regrettably, no food or beverages may be consumed during these visits. If residents are planning to go out for the holidays, please let nursing know so we can be sure to make note of it. As always, we appreciate your understanding and thank you for trusting Sauer Health Care with your care.
November 10th 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine Booster
Sauer Health Care is offering the COVID-19 vaccine booster to our residents and staff on Monday, November 29th. Staff and resident representatives (those that are guardians or POA for health care) should register online using the link below. Winona County Public Health will be administering the boosters to our staff and residents in our Chapel. The Vaccine Booster Clinic will be offered Monday, November 29th from 1:00-4:00 pm. All 3 of the vaccines will be available and on site. At this time the booster clinic is only available for Sauer Health Care staff and residents. Contact Sauer Health Care at (507) 454-5540 if you have any questions about this process.
Happy Halloween! October 31st 2021
Thank you to the Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota’s softball team for delivering Vintage Candy Co. boxes and stopping by for window visits! We look forward to using the candy boxes as a reminiscing activity next week.
October 26th 2021
COVID Update – October 22, 2021
Indoor visitation has resumed. Families and friends may resume indoor visits, please use the main entrance by the chapel so we may screen you. Thank you for your patience and support as we follow guidance related to visitation. To schedule outdoor visits or video calls please contact the Recreation Department at 507-494-6290.
Yesterday was a beautiful day to have a visit from the Winona County Sheriff’s posse including horses Murphy and Buddy. Thank you! ♂️
October 20th 2021
October is breast cancer awareness month. We wear pink today to honor and support our residents and staff who have personally been affected by this disease. #Sauerstrong #BreastCancerAwareness
October 15th 2021
COVID Update – October 1st, 2021
Indoor visitation is currently suspended. Families can continue to keep in touch through phone calls, video calls, emails or window visits. Thank you for your patience and support as we follow guidance related to visitation and outbreak testing. To schedule outdoor visits or video calls please contact the Recreation Department at 507-494-6290.
COVID Update – September 13, 2021
Indoor visitation has resumed. Families and friends may resume indoor visits, please use the main entrance by the chapel so we may screen you. Thank you for your patience and support as we follow guidance related to visitation. To schedule outdoor visits or video calls please contact the Recreation Department at 507-494-6290.
COVID Update – August 20, 2021
Indoor visitation is currently suspended. Families can continue to keep in touch through phone calls, video calls, emails or window visits. Thank you for your patience and support as we follow guidance related to visitation and outbreak testing. To schedule outdoor visits or video calls please contact the Recreation Department at 507-494-6290.
COVID-19 Update – August 6, 2021
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has put a pause on the Eye Risk Assessment that determined if staff needed to wear eye protection based on the COVID-19 county transmission level. All staff and visitors, regardless of vaccine status, will need to continue to wear eye protection until further notice.
Active cases of COVID-19 continue to slowly increase in Minnesota and the Delta variant is the COVID-19 threat we are monitoring closely. MDH has reported the Delta variant is spreading more quickly amongst the unvaccinated, outbreaks in facilities across the country are “large and move fast”, and there is a short incubation period of 30 hours from time of transmission to infectiousness.
We have received updated testing guidance from MDH. Infection prevention measures remain extremely important during this time:
- Make sure your mask is well-fitting securing your nose and down under your chin.
- Continue to practice good hand-hygiene
- Physical distancing is still required
- Get vaccinated
Sauer Health Care continues to test staff and residents per regulatory guidelines and on an as needed basis.
Thank you Chrysler Winona, Sugar Loaf Ford Lincoln and Northwestern Mutual for donating the dairy baskets for 25 of our staff! #JuneDairyMonth
June 25th 2021
COVID-19 Update!
You will get to see our eyes, but not our smiles…just yet!
We received new guidance today from the MN Department of Health that staff and visitors no longer have to wear eye protection! Due to our high COVID-19 vaccination rate of residents and staff, low county transmission rate, and no outbreaks in the last 14 days Sauer Health Care has met ALL criteria for staff to no longer have to wear eye protection. This may change if the county transmission rate increases, vaccination rates fall below 70% or if we have an outbreak.
June 25th 2021
COVID-19 Update!
We are happy to report, as of 5/18/2021, 81% of our staff are vaccinated and 86% of our residents. As a facility, those numbers are above state average as reported by Leading Age Minnesota on 5/7/2021 reporting all MN facility staff at 59% and residents at 84%. Most recently guidance has allowed for more in room visits and we are updating our policies to reflect these changes. At this time we are allowing up to 2 visitors to have a visit in a resident’s room. Exceptions may be made for larger groups. Please call ahead so we can provide those accommodations. Restrictions are lifting for residents and visitors who have been vaccinated that will allow for visits without masks and social distancing. MDH reminds us that the core infection control principles still must be followed. Visitors in the building, need to remain 6’ from other residents, staff and visitors regardless of their vaccination status. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and we are overjoyed! May 24th 2021
“Together through the Seasons” was the theme this year for National Nursing Home Week and this describes our team perfectly. This past year, our team have shown an incredible and steadfast dedication to our residents. The seasons were very long in 2020 but our commitment could not be stronger. Sauer Health Care looks forward to many more seasons together. ❤️ #Sauerstrong #frontlinewarriors May 15th 2021
National Nurses Day! May 6th 2021 #Sauerstrong #nationalnursesday #frontlinewarriors
COVID-19 Update!
Spring is here!
We are happy to see the green grass and can’t wait to fill flower pots in the coming weeks. The nice weather means more time outside for everyone, which is something we all need these days. Outside visits at nursing homes continue to be MN Department of Health’s preferred method for visiting. Recently, MDH has loosened some of the guidance related to physical touch, however we are reminded daily that the threat of the virus is still very prominent in our lives. Despite the very low cases of COVID-19 in MN nursing homes, case rates in the community have climbed dramatically again which gives us concern and need increased vigilance. At this time Winona’s positivity rates remain below 5%, but it has been slowly increasing in the last few weeks, more so in other areas of the state. Nursing homes continue to test based on the federal government requirements and Sauer Health Care hasn’t had a positive staff person since January 5th.
MDH continues to require us to follow the Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention:
- Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19
- Hand Hygiene (use of alcohol-based hand rub is preferred)
- Face covering or mask
- Social distancing at least 6 feet between persons
- Instructional signage in facility providing education on COVID etc.
- Cleaning and disinfecting high frequency touch surfaces
- Appropriate staff use of PPE
- Effective co-horting of residents who test positive for COVID-19
- Resident and staff testing as required testing
The core principles are consistent with the CDC’s guidance for nursing homes and we are required to adhere to them at all times. MDH states that visitors who are unable to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention should not be permitted to visit and/or should be asked to leave. We really hope we don’t have to do that, so we ask that you please remember these are not our rules and we are doing our best to keep everyone safe.
Tara has been working on getting volunteers, entertainment and Chapel Services back in the building with our biggest challenges being space for required social distancing and singing. MDH does not recommend singing, saying “singing has the potential to increase the risk of exposure through respiratory particles.” Tara is working with local clergy on a plan. More information to follow. We are excited to have musical entertainment back in the building!
I realize this is a lot of information and not necessarily information that anyone wants to hear, but I wanted to be sure to provide you with the most up-to-date information on what we are doing to keep everyone safe, but also allowing for safe visits. We really do hope to see your smiling faces in our building in the near future. In the mean time, as the weather improves, please take advantage of our outside areas for visiting! If you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Cindy, Director of Nursing (507) 494-6283 or me.
On 4/27/2021 CDC and CMS introduced new guidance that MDH is reviewing, we expect to hear from MDH the week of May 3rd on how we are to proceed. At first glance, it appears there will be some advantages for residents and visitors to be vaccinated. It sounds like facilities will be required to keep vaccination status of visitors on file. Visitors can refuse to provide that information, but then we would be required to treat that visitor as unvaccinated. More information to come!
May 4th 2021
Congratulations to Sauer Health Care Administrator, Sara Blair, on being named Business Woman of the Year in recognition of her outstanding and inspirational leadership and steadfast dedication to her staff, residents, and families throughout the past year. We are all grateful to have our confidence so well placed. Well deserved! April 21st 2021
Happy Volunteer Week! April 20th 2021
[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.sauerhealthcare.org/wp-content/uploads/Visiting-Love-Ones-in-a-Nursing-Home-Infographic-3-2021.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]
New COVID-19 updates!
Recently MDH issued new guidance related to visitation. We hope these are the first of many changes we will see in the coming months. Although there are several new things we want to review, many of the guidance is not that new for Sauer since we’ve been offering indoor visitation since last October (aside for our need to halt when the county positivity rate rose November-December). At this time, Sauer is not going to be offering in room visitation, but it is coming soon. There are several new documents that came out on March 17th and we have reviewed and updated our policies. I want to briefly review some of the changes and then encourage you to call and ask if you have more questions. At anytime we are happy to get you copies of policies, but know these are changing quite regularly based on updated guidance we get. Here are some of the highlights from the recent memos we received:
- Indoor and outdoor visits no longer requires our staff to supervise!
- New admissions, that are fully vaccinated (as defined below) and have not had prolonged close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection in the prior 14 days, are not needing to quarantine (this includes hospital returns)
- Residents who are fully vaccinated do not have to quarantine after non-medically necessary outings, unless they spend 15 mins or more in a 24 hour period within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19.
- Residents who are fully vaccinated, can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting mask (if tolerated) and by performing hand hygiene before and after. However, visitors should stay 6 feet away from all other residents and staff in the building.
- If the county positivity rate rises to medium or high again, Sauer may consider offering testing to visitors-we are working on the logistics of how this would work. More information to come.
- Neither testing nor vaccination will be required of visitors as a condition of visitation.
- Unvaccinated residents who leave the building, may not be required to quarantine when they return if they:
- Tested positive by RT-PCR testing within the 90 days before returning to the facility from an outing
- Tested positive by antigen test within 90 days before returning to the facility from an outing and had symptoms during the infection.
- Have been released from isolation per MDH and CDC guidelines prior to outing.
Residents are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 two weeks after their second dose of a vaccine that requires two doses or two weeks after they get a single dose of a vaccine that requires one dose.
March 24th 2021
COVID-19 Update!
We are excited to learn that a significant amount of new guidance came out this week that will impact all of us as we move forward. The media has presented it as “federal officials relax guidance on nursing home visits”. Although new guidance is being released, the true impact on Sauer still needs to be determined. As we sit in on calls with our local and national government, we are learning there are still facilities not doing indoor visits and most of this guidance is aimed specifically at them. The MN Department of Health has assured us they are going to “adopt” the new CDC and CMS guidance, although they have not officially changed MN nursing home guidance. We ask that you give us some time (till mid next week) to review the new guidance, wait to see if MDH updates their guidance and for us to update our policies. When we have done that we will communicate this to families via our website and Facebook page, and to residents via verbal communication and our internal TV channel and to our staff via verbal communication and signage.
Below is a summary of the most significant changes we will expect to implement in the coming week.
- Fully vaccinated health care workers with a high risk exposure, who are asymptomatic do not need to be restricted from work for 14 days following their exposure.
- Quarantine is no longer recommended for residents who are being admitted to a post-acute care facility (nursing home), if they are fully vaccinated and have no had prolonged close contact with someone with COVID-19.
- A resident who has been fully vaccinated can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting face mask and performing hand-hygiene before and after the visit. Regardless, visitors should physically distance from other residents and staff in the facility.
- Outdoor visitation remains the preferred method for visiting residents in nursing homes.
- No changes to outbreak testing for Sauer Health Care at this time re: visits. All visits are suspended during outbreak testing. Compassionate care and end of life visits will continue during outbreak testing, however each visit will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Again, we ask that you be patient as we review the latest memo from the federal government and await guidance from the MN Department of Health.
March 12th 2021
This week we implemented a new phone system. We appreciate your patience as we work through the “kinks”. Currently the residents’ phones only ring for 20 seconds before an automated message comes on saying the resident is not available. We will be increasing the time to 1 minute to give residents’ time to answer their phones. Our phone numbers have not changed. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any troubles reaching the right person! Thank you!! ☎️
February 10th 2021
COVID-19 Update!
We are excited to announce that we have completed our second round of COVID-19 Vaccinations on February 3rd. Thank you to all the residents and staff who have gone through this process with us and continue to fight COVID with courage! Please note, that at this time the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has not communicated any changes to our current safety protocols and has not indicated their intentions to relax restrictions. We are hopeful for this to change in time but for now we will continue with the safety guidelines set forth by MDH in our facility and during your indoor family visits.
We have been grateful to begin hosting indoor visits in our chapel with family and friends once again. Since we re-opened on January 21st we have hosted 37 visits in our Chapel! Please contact the TR Department to schedule your visit by calling 507-494-6290 or emailing resident@sauerhealthcare.org. TR staff are available to make appointments Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, but please leave a message and we will return your call. Visits are available some evenings and on weekends in the afternoons. Time slots fill up fast so it is recommended to call at least 2-3 days prior to your desired visit.
Again, indoor visit guidelines have not changed with our vaccination clinics. Residents and their families are asked to wear appropriate masks and eye wear (provided by Sauer), remain socially distant throughout the entire visit, not share items back and forth during visit, and not eat or drink during visits. We ask for your understanding and cooperation with these guidelines that are in place from MDH.
February 5th 2021
[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.sauerhealthcare.org/wp-content/uploads/ltcvaccine-1.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]
[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.sauerhealthcare.org/wp-content/uploads/Fact-sheet-recipients-caregivers-Moderna-COVID-19-vaccine.pdf” width=”100%” height=”900″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”true” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]
COVID-19 Update!
Many thanks to our residents and staff for their cooperation with our recent outbreak testing and COVID-19 vaccine clinics. We look forward to our next vaccine clinic on February 3rd, at which time, many of our residents and staff will receive their second dose of the vaccine and where others will have the opportunity to receive their first. Consent forms will again need to be signed for the 2nd vaccine. Residents or their POA will be receiving them soon.
Following our most recent outbreak testing, we anticipate resuming our indoor visits on Thursday, 1/21 pending test results from 1/19/21. Contact our TR staff Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 to schedule an indoor visit by calling 507-494-6290 or email resident@sauerhealthcare.org. We will do our best to accommodate your needs based on times available. Thank you for your patience as we know how important indoor visits are and how frustrating it can be when visits need to be canceled due to county positivity rates or COVID cases within the facility.
January 20th 2021
Today was a historic day in the fight against COVID-19 and a personal victory for those of us at Sauer Health Care. January 6th 2021
Travis LaCore, Consultant Pharmacist COVID-19 Vaccine Information Trav Vax Video2 Revision 1.mp4 December 22nd 2020
For more information on the COVID-19 Vaccine please visit
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Questions | CDC
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine | FDA
What to Expect after Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine (cdc.gov)
December 21st 2020
For more information on the COVID-19 Vaccine please visit COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC December 17th 2020
COVID-19 Update!
Dear families/friends of Sauer Health Care,
This has been a very difficult year with the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are pleased to share some good news. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found a COVID-19 vaccine that is safe and effective, and our staff and residents are a first priority to receive it! This is very encouraging news!
The vaccine will soon be available and we expect to hear word any day about when we will start vaccinating our residents and staff. Staff and residents will not be required to get the vaccine, however our Medical Director, Dr. Andrew Edin and our Pharmacist Consultant, Travis LaCore, strongly encourage everyone at Sauer Health Care to receive it. We are moving forward with our plans and will provide additional details soon. We need a signed consent form for the pharmacy to administer the vaccine, however we are waiting on a fact sheet for the vaccine we will receive. We have partnered with Walgreens to receive and administer the vaccine to our staff and residents. As soon as we have more information on exactly which vaccine we will be receiving we will let you know. There will be no costs to get the vaccine.
We encourage as many residents as possible to get this vaccine. We know too well the elderly have a much higher risk for getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying from COVID-19. The vaccine has been shown to provide a great deal of protection against serious illness due to COVID-19. The more residents that get vaccinated, the better we can protect our facility against potential outbreaks and save lives.
This vaccine has gone through testing and clinical trials to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. It also is safe to get if you already had the virus. The health and safety of our residents is always our top priority, and we are confident this vaccine is a much better option than the risk of getting this virus.
There are potential side effects and when we receive the fact sheet we will share that information with our families and residents. What we are told is that these side effects are similar to the potential side effects of the flu shot, but they occur more frequently. The vaccine requires two doses. Residents and staff will need to get both doses to ensure the best results. The second dose will be given approximately 21 to 28 days after the first dose.
We will continue to take all necessary precautions after the vaccine is administered, including wearing personal protective equipment and conducting regular testing, to ensure the safety of our residents and staff. We will also work with public health officials to determine how and when to adjust our policies for visitations and social activities and will keep you updated.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are hopeful that the vaccine will be a lifesaving turning point in the fight against COVID-19. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. You may also visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines to learn more about the vaccine.
Warm Regards,
Sara Blair, Administrator
Cindy Kaehler, Director of Nursing
December 15th 2020
COVID-19 Update!
We are happy to report that all residents and staff have been negative for COVID-19 for the last several weeks. We remain diligent in our infection control practices and ask all of you to continue to perform very good hand hygiene, wear masks and engage in social distancing measures. At this time, our routine testing for staff will continue twice weekly through December 31st for all staff. Indoor visiting requires negative test results on all staff and residents for at least 14 days and a county positivity rate of less than 10%–our current county positivity rate is 10.5%. We will check it again on 12/18.
We are expecting the vaccine to be available for administration to nursing home residents and staff by Christmas. Please be thinking about whether or not you will be getting the vaccine. There will be a required consent form that will signed prior to receiving the vaccine. Our Medical Director and our Pharmacist Consultant are